Monday, January 14, 2013

An Update on Aunti M's Public Service

Aunti M is in a rage over an incident she heard about over the holidays.  Evidently some man was fired from his job over his pooting, reported by suffering colleagues to be as much as 12-15 times per day.  Open the damn window!  Aunti M said, unaware of modern ventilation systems.  Evidently she has taken to her Facebook page and is holding an organizational meeting of the Freedom to Fart Foundation which will come to his defense.  Rumors are that there will also be tee shirts; among them:  Blame the Dog! ; and Left Behind!; and The Toot, The Whole Toot and Nothing but the Toot!   I am scheduled to serve toddies and bean soup. I was hoping she would wait until Spring when the meeting could be held outdoors but evidently time is of the essence.
I asked her if she wanted to comment but she said no, she was too busy with the press list.  I was hoping she would agree to just print media, for obvious reasons, but no, she wants the entire effect.  I thought you all would want to know. . .wish us luck.


  1. Aunte M has been watching too much Southpark!

  2. Hilarious, you send send this to 30 Rock!

  3. This just in from Aunti M's friend Marsha:

    I think Auntie M needs to get on the horn to her Congressman. Maybe even get a petition circulating? With the retirement age being pushed out farther (see, even the word has FART in it), this will be an ever increasing workplace issue. Businesses will have to mandate the consumption of probiotics and heaven knows what other meds they will interfere with.

    Wouldn't you think those enclosed in the Senate chamber during a filibuster should have already thought of this?

  4. Good time to use the acronym "LMAO" - because I AM laughing my ass off!
